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artist, tattoeer and fairy

I'm an twentyfour year old self-thaught artist and trained graphic designer from germany. My art is about dreams and nightmares of my own reality, my perception of the outside world, critical topics like society, mental health or psychical problems, death, love and everything else people are afraid of.



EXHIBITIONS                 FAIRS





2022 - KUNST/MITTE Magdeburg 

2022 - Neue ArT Dresden

2023 - STROKE ART FAIR Munich 


2023 - Neue ArT Dresden

2024 - STROKE ART FAIR Munich

how did you get into art?

i always liked to paint in a playful way like most children. circa 10 years ago my grandpa used to gift me art supplies. starting with the expensive faber castell albrecht dürer crayon paintbox to an easel and eventually copic makers when i was in my manga phase. all of that contributed to me coming to grips with art, but just as a hobby. at one point i realized that this is what i wanted to do in life. i love forgetting about everything surrounding me whenever i paint. i’m in my own world where i can do whatever i want to. however, the question arose how i could transform my interest into a profession. in my schooltime i created loads of fanarts of celebrities, especially youtubers, and posted them on instagram; so ultimately i would be starting an apprenticeship in communication design. it gave me the opportunity to explore several areas like photography or billposting, but in the end i always sticked with drawing and painting. along the way my instagram community prospered and i was able to branch out on my own right after completing my apprenticeship. there can be ups and downs, but i am always willing to evolve and overcome the struggles of being an artist. 

where do you find inspiration?

do you use references for
your drawings?

definitely! i started out by depicting stuff like plants or portraits so i never really painted from memory. i know how to realistically transfer the subject to my canvas, but whenever i have a certain posture in mind i’m almost unable to realize my thought on paper. by now i am mugging my own references, while i am working on improving my ability to imagine a variety of poses.   a lecturer once told me that you should not paint what you think you know, but what you see.

advice for beginner artists?

try everything at least once, every style, every medium, every subject. that is the only way of finding out what you want to do and what you can work with. it will take some time and patience, but we’ve all been there. i’ve been doing art for a long time now but I still think there’s room for my style to grow. the time it will eventually take differs from person to person. do not pressure yourself and compare your art with other artists. i know it’s hard. 

Unbenanntes_Projekt 10.png

i find inspiration in everything. nature, music, people, actions, my fantasy and thoughts, animals, my environment et cetera. sometimes i will look at the most random object and a painting will come to mind that isn’t even related to that item. whenever i get this question i don’t really understand it. yes, there are times without any brainchild, that is normal. before you ask yourself why you ran out of ideas, it is of capital importance that you remind yourself to not walk through life with a tunnel vision. i do not seek for inspiration; i am being inspired. that’s the key. 

can I get a tattoo of your work?

as i am a tattoo artist myself, it would be very weird for me to not be able to get my art beneath other people’s skin. i understand though that not everyone is able to visit me, especially if they’re not living in germany, which is why i have no problem with other artists tattooing my designs. it would actually compliment me.

what is your motivation?

my biggest motivation is myself and my goals. i am very ambitious regarding my art. essentially, time is my motivation, but also my biggest enemy. i always try to improve as fast as possible to get to a point where i am fully satisfied with my art. i believe that will take some time, but i’m generally planning a lot for my future. i only have this one life to experience and achieve as much as i can. i don’t need to be coining money or live in a mansion (although i wouldn’t reject the offer). what i truly want is to fascinate people and leave a legacy. some tell that they don’t have any motivation to start. but when, if not now? what are you waiting for?

artists that inspire me

in the instagram world we are fortunate to easily discover amazing artists from all over the globe. some of them are: kelogsloops, velvetmush (michelle avery konczyk), eva gamayun, milesart (miles johnsten), lauren marx, malsart (maldha mohamed) and teagan white. 

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